2012. 1 Prelude 2 Upon A Reign Of Ashes 3 Council Of Trees Beholder 4 Remembrance 5 Howling Shadow 6 Sol Invictus (Ritual Act) 7 Whispers To The Headless 8 The Forlorn War 9 ...to Nethereal 10 As Sleipnir Rides (Bon..
2002. - vinterblot,foreverdark woods,prelude,mother earth - father thunder,dragons breath,broken sword,nordland,heimfard,ring of gold,great hall awaits a fallen brother
2003. - prelude,nordland,vinterblot,dragons breath,ring of gold,disk 2:,foreverdark woods,broeken sword,great hall awaits a fallen brother,mother earth father thunder,heimfard,disk 3:,fanfare,blooded shor..
1973. - Prelude, Nordland, Vinterblot, Dragons Breath, Ring Of Gold, Forever Dark Woods, Broken Sword, Great Hall Awaits A Fallen Brother, Mother Earth Father Thunder, Heimfard.,Celkový čas: neuveden