2017. - Part 1 CD,Intro (3:,Nostalgia p.1 I (9:,Nostalgia p.1 II (11:,Nostalgia p.1 III (9:,Nostalgia p.1 IV (7:,Part 2 CD,Nostalgia p.2 V (23:,Nostalgia p.2 VI (21:,Part 3 CD,Nostalgia p.3 VII (17:,Nostalgia p.3 V..
2018. Vardan = the new era of black metal!!! vardan stands at the forefront of the modern black metal / doom / atmospheric scene. Breaking expectations, bending boundaries, destroying the norm ..
2017. This is the second album from the Peter Erskine New Trio, featuring jazz drumming legend Erskine with his nephew and bass phenom Damian Erskine, plus keyboard virtuoso and arranger Vardan Ovsepian (with guests..