2023. The 'Heavy Machinery' EP contains five tracks by the Vancouver-based garage punk'n'roll band Slip-Ons, founded by former Doughboys drummer/songwriter Brock Pytel.
2018. If one should give this diverse, colourful and adventurous release from Zach Phillips a suitable label, maybe that should be 'art rock'. But why don't you decide for yourself?! This edition is limited to 250 L..
2016. The thrilling second album by the duo made up of Greg Dalton (Gary War) and Rob Thomas (Sunburned Hand Of The Man). The album is filled to the bong-lip with loosely unstructured jams and zingers. Dalton brings..
2008. Limitovaná edícia obsahuje CD, DVD s live zaznamom zo štúdia a 24 stranový booklet. - 1,000,000 ,DVD - live rehearsal versions:,Slip ,Demon Seed ,Four of Us Are Dying ,Corona Radiata ,Lights in the Sky ,Head ..