2017. Super Treatment is one of those albums that you just can’t go wrong with. There is not one track that isn’t raw, edgy and deliciously distorted. Super Treatment wears a fuzzy coating and is sonically more expe..
1999. - das maikaeferchen,abgestrappst,von alpha bis omega,cicos,regen,joseph pujol,der angel-tick,alabama,sag mir pappi,minuetto stradivarius,die baerenjagd,minuetto fiume,mach doch mal ein paeuschen,das..
2018. - northshore hustle,waitng for sal,big ordeal,lumberyard blues,from here to kansas,unavoidable abyss,king of mas pujol,i hope you're fine,i don't want a buiding,square one,poolfrogs & dragonflies,ha..