1984. Finally on CD what is probably the biggest rarity of the mythical Cinevox catalogue (the one that released Cherry Five, Goblin, and Reale Impero Britannico)! Motowns where an English band that arrived from Liv..
1997. - ain't no mountain high enough,reflections,you are everything,endless love,i'm gonna make you love me,where did our love go,you keep me hangin on,surrender,touch me in the morning,baby love,do you ..
2014. This retrospective spotlight on The Motowns' 1971 self-titled follow-up album unveils another piece in the jigsaw of rare British psychedelic rock, involving collaborations with other ex-pats (a.o. in Italy) T..
1983. Frederick "Shorty" Long has always had a special place in the affections of all serious Motown collectors, although he recorded less than three dozen tracks in total in his five years with the compan..
2017. - sognando la california - i dik dik,questo folle sentiment - formula 3,yeeeeeeh! - the primitives,tutta mia la citta - equipe,un¢ra sola ti vorrei - the showmen,una bambolina che fa no no - i quel..
2011. Hot on the heels of well-received projects by the Contours and Marv Johnson, Kent is delighted to bring you the altogether-splendid results of a further dip into the 1960s Motown archives, with the first ever ..