2013. Off the record – the new album from karl bartos, ex-kraftwerk - first run of the cd version will have a 44 page booklet, later versions will have a 20 page booklet. Karl bartos’ new alb..
1976. - hausmusik,silence,rhythmus,vox humana,instant bayreuth,the tuning of the world,musica ex machina,the binary code,without a trace of emotion,international velvet,nachtfahrt,atomium,disk 2:,hausmusi..
2013. Unter dem ungew?hnlichen Namen "A Collection of Blech- und Hausmusik" erscheint das neue Compilation-Album von POLARLICHT 4.1. "A Collection of Blech- und Hausmusik" entpuppt sich als gekonnt zusammengestellte..
2015. On CD, this is a reissue of the 1974 debut-LP by kraut/kosmische legends Harmonia, featuring the duo of Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius, plus Neu! guitarist Michael Rother. - WATUSSI,SEHR KOSMISCH,S..
2015. On vinyl, this is a reissue of the 1974 debut-LP by kraut/kosmische legends Harmonia, featuring the duo of Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Dieter Moebius, plus Neu! guitarist Michael Rother. - WATUSSI,SEHR KOSM..
2020. 180 gram gatefold LP + bonus CD. Called "the world's most important rock group" by Brian Eno, the legendary minimalist avant-garde band Harmonia was formed in the early seventies by Michael Rother (o..