1954. - pure,cringe,the fine art of falling,another badge of courage,swingset,the power remains the same,in hope,toy gun anthem,cadence,65 factory outlets,hometown report card
2013. The story of the Ataris reads like a Hollywood script, with vocalist/guitarist Kris Roe giving the Vandals his demo tape at a show in his backwater Indiana town, only to receive a call out to California by Van..
2010. - cold reading,click on that (smash the plastic death),not what it is but what it's not,nu cringe,fool evolved,spray you with yr own trip,expelled,up the shakes,ex-people,error
2010. - cold reading,click on that (smash the plastic death),not what it is but what it's not,nu cringe,fool evolved,spray you with yr own trip,expelled,up the shakes,ex-people,error