2023. The Blackbeard years 1978-83. SIDE 1: 1. African Drifter 2. Jah Love 3. Jam Rock 4. Baba 5. Love You SIDE 2: 1. Landlord 2. Blackbeard The Pirate 3. Smile 4. Leaking Roof 5. African Fire
2021. Coming on CD are eight solid tracks by an aggressive band that is inspired by various heavy genres s.a. stoner rock, metal, heavy prog, punk and brutal electronics. And the result is pretty cool!
1993. - shockabilly - day tripper,massacre - killing time,ferdinand - tele apres la meteo,mathematiques modernes - disco rough (long version),thomas leer & robert rental - day breaks, day heals,snakefinge..
1990. Johnny Depp se vrací ke své ikonické roli kapitána Jacka Sparrowa v akčním příběhu plném pravdy, zrady, mládí a odchodů. Když se Jack setká se ženou ze své minulosti (Penelope Cruz), není si jistý, zda jde o l..
1996. - guilty of being innocent of being jack sparrow,angelica,mermaids,south of heaven's chanting mermaids,palm tree escape,blackbeard,angry and dead again,on stranger tides,end credits,guilty of being ..
1999. - koom. H - mr cool,milano - polibalaga,quantic / russel, alice - sound of everything,sedgley, max - happy (blackbeard rework),dining rooms - no problems (7 samurai instrumental,marco di ..