2022. Psychedelic blues and ominous doom through the bloodshot eyes of Aleister Crowley. Phoenix, AZ. Est. MMXX. Perfect for fans of Black Sabbath, Kyuss, Monolord, and Electric Wizard.
2024. Aiwass, the Aleister Crowley-obsessed psychedelic doom project out of the American Southwest, has stretched beyond the soul-shaking soundscapes of its highly revered debut-album 'Wayward Gods' to deliver 'The ..
2017. Hells headbangers is proud to present the debut album of haxxan, loch ness rising. Although "new" in name, haxxan features underground legend killjoy desade (necrophagia, the ravenous, wu..
2017. - Phychostasis-Death of Khat,Ihag Mthong,Kaoshikii Mahayana,Aether Ananda Aiwass,Naljorpa,Reanimation of Akh,Five Points of Desire,Orgasmic Inebriation,Opening the shadow box,Svarna Khecari Mudra
2017. - aether ananda aiwass,five points of desire,svarna khecari mudra,ihag mthong,naljorpa,orgasmic inebriation,kaoshikii mahayana,reanimation of akh,opening the shadow box,phychostasis-death of khat..