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Kód: 32529306


Dodanie trvá 12 týždňov.

Dátum vydania: 25.5.2012
Žáner: JAZ
EAN: 8246520110368 (info)
Obsahuje nosičov: 1
Nosič: CD

Popis - NO VOICES:
The trio was playing with freshness, vigor and a great deal of ?feeling?. The tracks were popular, familiar to me: they were pieces I had played often. Toward the end of the evening I introduced myself, and asked the bassist whether it would be possible to play a few tracks together the following day, having ascertained they would be playing the same venue. And so, the next evening, I joined them on stage for a jam session, and ? we slotted instantly into a groove, as if we had always played together. That is how a friendship was forged with Marc, Robert and Alain (replaced later by Rodolfo). Jazz creates the conditions in which four perfect strangers who might even speak different languages, can immediately engage in a musical dialogue, sharing emotions and feelings from the outset. Over time we played together in concerts in France and Italy, and found a rare sense of musical kinship. It is this that inspired me to launch the musical project which finds expression in this CD.  

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