2012. Ysa?e was genuinely r e s p o n s i b l e f o r re-creating the art of the violin. Endowed with an individual but exceptional technique, a unique, almost voice-like tone that made his violin sing, his principa..
2007. About Vertical Alignment: Vertical Alignment began at the turn of the 21st century as Pete & Terri Jorgensen and Monty Pierce began collaborating on increasingly long and complex progressive rock tunes. It ..
2001. Devil in the Woods, Issue 3.3, 2001 5 Stars. After far too long in hiding, former Alcohol Funnycar frontman Ben London returns with a devastatingly world-weary collection of songs. The guitars have been turn..
2010. There will be at least one resurrection on Easter Sunday, 2010, when Blood Axis unveils its latest work, Born Again. The second full-length studio album in the group's twenty-year history, Born Again signals s..
2024. Born by the river in another century, Swedish four-piece Remuda Dust found their way back after a twenty-odd year long break. Same dudes, different day. Still fuzzy, just a bit dusty. Daniel on the microphone ..
2012. La fura dels baus “metamorfosis” / “boris godunov” original music by josep sanou the shared spectacle from day one, la fura dels baus has been, and remains, a project of global creation. &nb..
2016. “If You Were God” Tony Monaco (2001) came about from hearing so many people complain about everything from the weather to what was happening in their life, as well as Tony Monaco’s own questions. Recorded in ..