1984. Wanted exposes schalk’s consummate skill and thoughtfulness as one of today’s authentic jazz guitarists. A guitarist with not only impeccable chops but one who plays with deep soulfulnes..
1989. Schalk proves himself as a composer, forgoes covers and widens quite simply the choice of modern standards as demonstrated on his second recording “The Second Third Man” featuring eleven-time Grammy-winner Mic..
1986. Musicians Chieli Minucci.......electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards, drums and bass programming David Mann.......soprano and tenor saxophones Jerry Brooks....bass Fernando Saunders.....fretless bass, v..
2012. Stunning new late 60s psychedelic hard rock 2CD anthology with 12 page color booklet. Don't be fooled by the name - with a moniker like WILDWOOD, you might expect pastoral lite-rock from some self-absorbed hip..
2022. Jazzman Joshua Redman patří k nejvšestrannějším saxofonistům. V kariéře hrál s celou řadou talentovaných i slavných kolegů, natáčeli a vystupovali..
2017. Born in Brooklyn New York, Joe became inspired to become a musician after graduating high school and went on to study at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Rutgers University, finally receiving a Bachelors De..