2021. With long-standing stints in Tower Of Power and Santana, Chester Thompson just might be the most decorated and distinguished keyboardists in all of rock and R&B, let alone of the Bay Area musical scene. It..
2004. Pôvodný hudobný program, ktorý Frank Zappa urobil na začiatku sedemdesiatych rokov pre televíziu. Bol zaznamenaný 27. Augusta 1974 v KCET v Hollywoode. Účinkujú: Frank Zappa - gitara, perkusie, spev, George Du..
1986. Kytarový mág Carlos Santana vydává své v pořadí již 36. album! Tentokráte jde o kolekci 13ti instrumentálních skladeb, při jejichž intepretaci ho podpoří hvězdná doprovodná skupina, jejíž součástí jsou Benny R..
2015. - which way the wind blows - anthony phillips feat,watcher of the skies - steve hackett,screaming jets - johnny warman feat. Peter gabrie,the carpet crawlers - steve hackett feat. &n..
2021. Bassist Henry Franklin's 1972 release for Black Jazz, 'The Skipper', is one of the highlights in a label catalog full of many, and his 1974 follow-up, 'The Skipper At Home' ('The Skipper' is Franklin's nicknam..
2023. In 1974 Frank Zappa performed 122 concerts in 105 cities across 16 countries. Even for a man who spent most of his working life on the road it was a busy, perhaps his busiest, year. The group captured here ..
2020. "What would happen if occasional members of Genesis, King Crimson, Asia, Yes, Frank Zappa & Weather Report all got together to form a unique team for just one night" - Such an event took place in..