2014. Who are the Praise Pardners? The Praise Pardners provides music and song for the worship time at the “Worship Up, saddle up” cowboy ministry of Troy (MO) First Baptist Church. Their style/sound is hard to clas..
2014. Premiata forneria marconi, better known in english speaking countries as p. F. M. , were arguably the finest italian progressive rock band of the 1970s and certainly..
2022. Reissue on white vinyl. Premiata Forneria Marconi, better known in English speaking countries as P.F.M. , were arguably the finest Italian progressive rock band of the 1970s and certainly one of the most well ..
1956. - gregorian chant,gloria in excelsis deo,remember,quel est l'enfant qui est ne ce soir,wohl mir dass ich jesum habe,over my head,stille nacht (o nuit de paix) (silent night),go tell it on the mounta..