2003. - simpsons roasting on an open fire (1st ever!!!!!,sweet seymour skinner's badass son (100th episod,trash of the titans (200th episode),bart gets an f (episode with most viewers),lisa's first word (..
2002. - when you dish upon a star (ft. Kim basinger/alec,fear of flying (ft. Cast of cheers),krusty gets kancelled (bette midler/luky perry/,flaming moe's (ft. Aerosmith)..
2008. Audiocomment/animation showcase tv spots/international clips/deleted scenes easter eggs ====___and more___==== - kamp krusty,a streetcar named marge,homer the heretic,lisa the beauty queen,treehou..
1990. - do the bartman,school day,born under a bad sign,moanin' lisa blues,deep, deep trouble,god bless the child,i love to see you smile,springfield soul stew,look at all those idiots,sibling rivalry..