2009. Soundtrack k již šestému pokračovnání Harryho Pottera. Hudbu na motivy Johna Williamse napsal Yatesův tradiční spolupracovník, hudební skladatel Nicholas Hooper (stejně jako k Fénixovu Řádu). Tak dlouho na ..
2008. - The Ballad of Dorothy Parker / Broadway Project 3:50 ,Girls & Boys / The Dynamics 4:42 ,Controversy / Josée 4:56 ,Crazy You / Osunlade 3:59 ,Condition of the Heart / Susanna & the Magical Orchestra 4:49 ,Al..
1996. The seventies is the decade recalled as the golden age of roots reggae, primarily due to the fact that during these years many legendary artists came to prominence. Amongst those singers, DJs, vocal groups, mu..