2014. Rashomon is the solo project of matt thompson, bassist and keyboardist of cineploit artist zoltan and cosmic synth act cremator. 'the cameraman's revenge' is the 4th release under the ras..
2015. Some composers become famous only after their death, others are already recognized while alive. Arvo Pärt, in contrast, belongs to another category: in this year in which he turns 80, he is already a living ..
2010. Like the 'Musics in the margin volume 1' CD co-produced by Art en Marge and Sub Rosa in 2006, this new production comes from a project mixing visual arts with music. Since the first CD, 'Art en Marge' has obta..
2019. Carl Thiel's music from the popular Netflix series is now available as a DOUBLE-LP set. The music for Seis Manos is a unique blend of soundscapes from the exploitation films of the '60s and '70s and more moder..