2024. Grave Speaker is a doom project from Massachusetts. Risen from the ashes of High n' Heavy, it continues the journey of '70s heavy rock inspirado. Influenced by fellow doomers Acid King, Windhand, and Electric ..
2019. Mobilizing freely improvised electronic percussion and stereophonic audio recordings, Speaker Music yearns to caress, engineer and sculpt sentiment into a multi-textural rhythmic body, quivering moments into a..
2023. On 'Techxodus' DeForrest brown Jr., the writer and producer behind Speaker Music, explores the intersection of tech, Blackness and resistance via music taken from his archived live shows, which are then edited..
2013. Americký rapper U-God vydá 23. júla svoj štvrtý sólový album s názvom Keynote Speaker. Novinka člena skupiny Wu-Tang Clan vyjde prostredníctvom labelu Soul Temple Records. Ten prednedávnom založil ďalší člen C..
2006. The first completely new MUSLIMGAUZE album to be released in more than two years-one of several recorded by BRYN JONES in a final year-long burst of creativity that peaked in the spring of 1998, shortly before..
2015. Limited to 500 copies. The human voice has often been an element in Bryn Jones' work as Muslimgauze, but rarely did he emphasize it as much as on this release from the 'Muslimgauze Archive Series'. Though elem..