1986. - god show me magic,fuzzy byrds,something for the weekend,frizbee,hometown unicorn,gathering moss,if you don't want me to destroy you,bad behaviour,mario man,hanging out with howard marx,long gone,f..
2024. Album obsahuje zbierku vzácnych B-strán prevzatých z ich klasického albumu „Fuzzy Logic“, vrátane rebelskej hymny 'The Man Don't Give A F-ck', náladovej 'D..
2016. - God! Show Me Magic 1:50,Disc: 1:,Fuzzy Birds 2:27,Something 4 the Weekend 2:50,Frisbee 2:20,Hometown Unicorn 3:33,Gathering Moss 3:22,If You Don't Want Me to Destroy You 3:16,Bad Behaviour 4:25,Mario Man 4:..