1975. Released nearly 25 years ago in a very limited pressing, Folk Studio A's debut has quickly become one of the most rare and sought after LP's coming from Italy. We are aware that many collectible rarities can b..
2009. - plac'hig eusa,gwerz ker-is,primaozadenn,me'zo ganet e kreiz ar mor,marivonig an dourduff,primaozadenn war plac'hig eusa,ar voraerion,gwerz penmarc'h,primaozadenn war ar voraerion,tri martolod,plac..
1975. - tour an arvor,suite vannetaise part i: hanter-dro et dans klam,suite vannetaise part ii: kas abarh,ar martolod yaouank,suite de ridee 6 temps,si j'ai le courage,hommage au pere jean,les magiciens ..
2012. - amazing grace,belong,just un reve,land,rock around the loch,enez imma,la trace du souvenir,j'avais cinq enfants,bro yaouank hon bugale,goodnight god,delphine in the sky,celebration,cornwall attitu..